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Aurora Borealis Deutschland

Aurora Borealis Forecast: Witness the Northern Lights in Germany

Predicting the Aurora's Appearance

For those eager to experience the breathtaking spectacle of the Northern Lights, this website offers a comprehensive guide to predict the aurora's occurrence in Germany. With detailed data and real-time updates, it provides invaluable insights into the celestial event.

Where to Catch a Glimpse

The website features current forecasts and probability maps, pinpointing locations where the aurora is most likely to be visible. This information enables you to plan your aurora-viewing adventure with precision.

Solar Activity and Aurora Predictions

The website draws upon real-time data on solar activity, which plays a crucial role in aurora formations. By monitoring solar flares and coronal mass ejections, it helps forecast the likelihood of auroral displays.

Magnetometer Activity Map

An interactive magnetometer activity map provides a comprehensive view of the magnetic disturbances that precede aurora events. This allows you to track the progression of the aurora and anticipate its peak viewing times.


