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Hora En Santiago De Chile Y Peru

Time Difference Between Santiago de Chile and Lima, Perú

Important Considerations

It's crucial to note that the time difference between Santiago de Chile and Lima, Perú, varies depending on whether Chile is observing daylight saving time (DST). Perú does not make seasonal time changes.

Conversion Details for April 2024

* **Thursday, April 4, 2024** * Santiago de Chile time is 2 hours ahead of Lima, Perú. * Time span in Santiago: 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM * **Saturday, April 6, 2024** * The time difference between Perú and Chile depends on whether Chile is in DST.

Time Converter Resource

For quick and easy time comparisons or conversions between Lima and Santiago, use our online time converter.

Remember, before traveling or scheduling events, it's always best to check the current time difference to ensure accuracy.
